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top 10 endangered animals

Do you know the top 10 most endangered animals?? I was surprsed that the top one was the Yangtze River dolphin in China, I am so sad that this species has been reported almost extinct in the world. The offical statistics show no record about this kind of animal, but it still has the possibilities of existence!! I agree with the author saying that," Once they have gone, that is it, we will never see them again!"
Here is the list of the top 10 endangered species.
1.Yangtze River dolphin
Population: It was officially announed extinct in August 2007.
2.Long-beaked echidna
Population: Estimated 300,000 individuals.
3. Riverine Rabbit
Population: Fewer than 250.
4.Cuban solenodon
Population: Unknown until one was caught in 2003.
5.Hispaniolan solenodon
6. Sumatran rhinoceros
Population: Estimated 275.
7. Black rhinoceros
Population: Estimated 2,300 in the 1990′s a massive drop from 65,000 in 1970
8. Bactrian camel
Population: An estimated 950 remaining in the wild in north west China and Mongolia.
9. Northern hairy-nosed wombat
Population: estimated 115 individuals remaining in a single colony.
10. Sumatran rabbit



Save the most cute fish I've ever seen!

This cute walking fish is on the edge of extincition!!! It is half salamander half H.R. Puff ‘n’ Stuff. These little cute fish are being threatened by water pollution, habitat destruction, and due to their defenseless, they are easy to catche. They have special ability of regenerate the missing body parts if being attacked, even its spine and brain. That's amazing!!!
With the growing population in Mexico City, lots of lakes are drained and water are polluted due to the industrial activities. They are also sold as a pet, but I dont think it is a good way to sell them anymore because not most of the people know how to take care of these "exotic" animals and they should be protected since they are on the edge of extincition! \
Wish someone could give them a hand to save them!! They are so cute!